Friday, June 30, 2006

More Than Meets the E.Y.E.S.

Transformers: THE MOVIE! Not the cartoon movie with the giant Galactus robot and Optimus dying--only to be brought back--and songs by Scorpions and Weird Al*. This is the new movie produced by Steven Spielberg (yay!) and directed by . . . MICHAEL BAY?!! WHAT THE FLYIN' @#$%!!!

Sorry. Geek panic.

Seriously, it's not that bad. I just saw the teaser trailer (click the title to see it) and it wasn't half bad looking. It's far too little to give an impression of what the movie might be like but it suggests that they're going to ditch a lot of the stuff from the cartoon for a more adult feel which I am all for. I like the idea of bringing back kids stuff from the 80s for today's kids but making something that will appeal to the people who grew up with it, but if they just make another kiddie movie and don't go after adults by being adult then it will fail.

Ideally, however, they would forget the kids altogether and do a Transformers movie made just for adults. No, I wouldn't want them swearing or killing people or having sex. That would be messed up, especially the robot sex. (eww...) But I would like something more serious but with a tounge-in-cheek-because-this-is-awful-silly humor. And I'd like some hard science fiction in it as well. Not lengthy exposition but something to explain how robots turn into cars that no one can tell aren't normal cars. There is so much fodder in this concept for someone with talent.

Oh. And don't forget about character development. And PLOT! That's important too. You gotta have plot.

And maybe they can throw us a bone and work in something about how all of these oil gussling vehicles are destroying the environment and our way of life (and how we can't fuel them anymore.) The energon crisis is so close to our current oil crisis that this is the one possible element of the movie that they cannot risk to ignore lest they be too stupid to think about anything other than thar robot cars are neat-o.

*How 80s is that?

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