Monday, June 26, 2006

How Do You Score?

Yes, I am finally caving in! There's a TEST on this blog now!

Let me back up for a bit and say that it's not the type of test that tells you which color you are or which Inuyasha character you should marry. Instead it's a test that indicates your likelihood of having an autistic disorder.

As someone who knows people who deal with Asperger's Syndrome, something many people refer to as high-functioning or mild austism, as well as someone who knows many people who display austistic symptoms but haven't been diagnosed, this is a subject of interest to me.

There's a theory that Aspergers and other similar conditions are "geek syndromes" because their symptoms include intense focus on a limited range of subjects (or just one subject) and limited, underdeveloped social skills.

Sound like anyone you know?

The link to the test is the title itself. I won't tell you what it means now but my score is 18. You might want to read the article that goes with the test. You'll find the link at the bottom of the test page.

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