Monday, February 05, 2007

Prince at Super Bowl XLI

When they said Prince was doing the Halftime show I thought someone had made a mistake. The-Artist-Formerly-Known-as-The-Artist is not the type of guy I'd associate with football. As a fan of the old MTV multi-celeb bashes up until the Janet Jackson* debacle, I was disappointed that it was just Prince at first. But then I saw the show.

WOW! This was the best Halftime show in years. Far better than the last one I saw, Paul McCartney in 2005 (Somehow I didn't see The Stones last year so I'm listening/watching as I type this.) Prince was in top form, his ladies were HOT but not skanky, the marching band was awesome and didn't give me flashbacks to my awful band years, and Prince has a collection of songs which was...well, that's where things get interesting.

Dave Grohl is either the giddiest guy in the world or completely pissed. I don't know why Prince did a cover of "Best of You" but it's now official: that song now belongs to Prince. The Foo Fighters can't have it anymore. They are banned from that song because they can't do it like Prince did it. (That and Dave Grohl ticks me off even though I like his music. He needs a little slap in the face by someone with better musical chops but I digress.)

Oh, and some football team from Indiana won a game and a trophy afterwards. That was nice too.

*Despite that, Ms. Jackson is still one of my future wives. And, yes, I'm NASTY!

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