Saturday, February 24, 2007

On My Buy Pile

The Astounding Wolf-Man

This one really leaves me with mixed feelings. Yes, I am going to be buying this one. Hell, I might even start a pull for this. He's a werewolf and a superhero? I'm so there.

But what bugs me is that I wanted to do something like this! I'm so sick of the usual werewolf goes crazy and tears up the city thing and I'm not one for the nature lover or neo-vampire werewolves that seem popular. I love this idea but now I can't use it! At least, not obviously. I swear, if I don't get a move on things and get serious about my career then I'll find all of my good ideas being used by other people. Not only will I feel robbed but I'll also feel like a robber. Does that make sense?


I've known about this one for a little bit but now it has a trade paperback so I can read it without all the stupid advertisements!* This looks like a fun book indeed. With so many mainstream hero comics getting bloated on their own self-importance (HA!) and then getting tied up in irritating and pompous events (I'm talking about you, Marvel) I think parody and heroes-with-a-twist comics are much more appealing to me. Plus, when creators aren't bogged down by fifty plus years of someone else's continuity (AKA fan-boy shit) they can make much more coherent and fun stories.

Oh, but I'm supposed to talk about the actual story, aren't I? Silly me!

ArchEnemies is about a hero and his arch enemy who just happen to be roommates who hate each other even more. While neither good guy nor bad guy knows the other's secret, it looks as though things will get even more complicated before they find out the truth if the previews have anything to say about it.

I should also note that the writer of the series, Drew Melbourne, posts on a site I just discovered called Scryptic Studios
which is the first website I've found that focuses on the non-artist writer. His posts there tend to be a little rambling (at times incoherent, to be blunt) but his advice is sound even if its also a little self promotional.

*Side note: When will Marvel and DC and others quit putting ads in the books? I know they'll cost more but I think I might be ready to shell out more money for an ad-free comic. Better yet, when will they end monthlies and switch to a dedicated trade paperback system? I only read Fables in TPB because the ads in the monthlies drive me insane.

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