Friday, February 02, 2007

Multi-eyes!!! (WARNING: Creepy Post)


No, no, I don't have six eyes, I just thought I did this morning. Aren't dreams weird like that? All of the sudden in a dream all sorts of bizarre things can happen and you'll accept them as if they're normal. But what's even stranger is that you can end up accepting things as if they're long established facts that even though they're impossible.

The dream had no plot, it was all about me having six eyes, three on each side in one row. I had no problem with this whatsoever. Most people didn't. It was just one of those things that could happen to people and I just happen to have been born with six eyes instead of the established four.

I have no idea where this idea came from. It probably stems from the same factors that had me dreaming that my mother had to go and get her stomach stapled to keep the acid in her stomach (caused by spicy tacos) from boiling up into her head and causing mumps, a disease in which so much fluid fills the lungs that the victim has to breathe through their ears.

No, I am not on drugs. As far as I can tell I am still sane (but don't crazy people think they're sane too.) I just happen to have a very weird brain that likes to tell me that having six eyes is normal.

Wanna know what's even weirder? When I woke up and realized that I only have two eyes like 99% of the population I was just a little disappointed.

Next week: B checks-in to Arkham Asylum.

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