Thursday, May 25, 2006

X-Men 3 Reviews

Tonight I'm going to attend a midnight showing of X-Men: The Last Stand. Unfortunately, the people who've seen it already don't think its too hot. The rumors are true: some of the heroes die. That doesn't sound like such a good idea, even in a comic book movie, but at least it proves that the filmmakers are "serious." I'll give it a shot anyway but I'm prepping myself for a not-so-hot ride.

It's a shame that Bryan Singer isn't directing because, aside from the script, it sounds like its his touch that's lacking. My own suspicions that the movie caves into character cramming might be in effect too. I could go and try for a refund but I think I'll stick it out. No matter what you guys will get a review from me tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have better things to say than the not so happy reviewers.

A 58 point average so far. Yeesh.

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