Monday, August 13, 2007

Mike Wieringo 1963 - 2007

Normally I wouldn't copy a post from a message board to here (where I'm supposed to be "anonymous") but I just wanted to put the message here too because it's so personal.

I'm in total shock. Peter David mentioned on his blog that Mike was only 44, a vegetarian, and in good health so it makes no sense to me that he could die of a heart attack. But what can you do? When it's time to go you have to go. I just wish he didn't have to go so soon. I'd only just started following his work. I posted comments on his sketches up at Deviant Art and he even replied a few times, which was nice since he was (I can't believe I have to say was now) a big pro and I'm just a fan. We didn't come close to actually knowing each other but I feel like I've lost a friend. I hoped I'd get to meet him someday or even work with him. Now I'll just have to wait for the hereafter.

Mike's entry on Wikipedia

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Please Tell Me Why...

What bothers me isn't the collapse of the bridge so much. I'm horrified and saddened that such a thing had to happen to so many innocent people without warning but that is the way of life. Accidents and disasters happen and, no matter what the reason for this turns out to be, we can't avoid these sorts of things. We have to go live and do the things we need and want to do while we have time on the Earth. And, you know what? As a whole, we're pretty good about that. People have gone through rapes, murders, wars, ethnic cleansing, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and so many other things but after the event, although they may be shaken and permanently changed in some way, they go on and continue with their lives.

Here's what bothers me. This nightmare just began two hours ago and already there are people out there making jokes about it and on the news website no less. Yes, there's no reason for a story like this to even allow comments just out of the knowledge that these jerks will spread their ignorance and lack of concern and inhumanity over it, but that doesn't excuse the fact that people post such things. I won't bother to put the comments up here. If you want to see them then go to the site yourself. Hopefully they're gone by the time you get there, but a part of me wants them to stay. I'd like to think that I'm not the only one disgusted by how people can make jokes about things like this disaster.

Houston Chronicle - Minneapolis bridge collapse sends cars into river