Monday, July 17, 2006

Guardians of Luna

Werewolves are my favorite. They're the best monsters ever. Imagine being able to live a normal life for all but 12 nights of the year when you get to let that angry, snarling monster you keep trapped inside out to terrorize the chickens. Werewolves rock.

And when they get to be the good guys? That's the rock getting its roll.

Guardians of Luna is a new animated adventure show from one of the minds behind Batman: The Animated Series and, my all-time favorite cartoon, Gargoyles. Honestly, it sounds dangerously similar to White Wolf games but it balances that with robots. Werewolves AND robots? All right!

The show hasn't been picked up by anyone yet so it probably won't make it on our screens this fall or it might go into syndication hell but it sounds like it will actually make it to TV and I can't wait. Check the link in the title for a preview. I'm hoping someone leaks the video to YouTube.

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