SO. This blog is still remaining barely touched in years and yet I just had to turn away some idiotic spambot who was commenting on posts from three years ago! What is the point of them? How do these things make money? Perhaps I ought to go an look up these kinds of things but the truth is that I don't really care. I just want them and their little pork shouldered overlords to go away.
But I suppose it's a nice way for them to remind me that this blog is still up and that I ought to maybe sorta pay a little bit more attention to it just in case I get the urge to use it again like I'm doing right now.
Isn't it funny how things turn out?
By the way, I'm writing this all in Hugh Grant's voice because I've been watching "About A Boy." I never forgave him for cheating on Elizabeth Hurley. Never cheat on a woman with a less attractive prostitute. That should go without saying.
All right, then. Ramble over.
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