Monday, August 13, 2007

Mike Wieringo 1963 - 2007

Normally I wouldn't copy a post from a message board to here (where I'm supposed to be "anonymous") but I just wanted to put the message here too because it's so personal.

I'm in total shock. Peter David mentioned on his blog that Mike was only 44, a vegetarian, and in good health so it makes no sense to me that he could die of a heart attack. But what can you do? When it's time to go you have to go. I just wish he didn't have to go so soon. I'd only just started following his work. I posted comments on his sketches up at Deviant Art and he even replied a few times, which was nice since he was (I can't believe I have to say was now) a big pro and I'm just a fan. We didn't come close to actually knowing each other but I feel like I've lost a friend. I hoped I'd get to meet him someday or even work with him. Now I'll just have to wait for the hereafter.

Mike's entry on Wikipedia


Anonymous said...

that is so sad

Anonymous said...

Mark Forsythe doesn't really want Lightrail but the publicity to run again for 4th district councilmon.