Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hi, Richard

Do you like the new look? I think it might be a little bright although not too loud, I hope. I like purple with orange because it reminds me of the sunset and dreamier landscapes so I hope this gives you something of that feeling. Purple is a color representative of creative people so it suits me. I'll probably change this, though, since the Blogger update allows me to change my blog's looks much more easily.

I went and saw some of my Warrensburg friends last Wednesday. If I didn't see you don't feel shafted. I wasn't there that long but I need to try and visit more. While I was there I got to see Richard and his fiancee, Becca (Congratulations!) and Becca's son who, through no fault of his own, further convinced me that I don't want to have children--at least not yet.

Tomorrow I have my writer's workshop and nothing to show for it. I need to get more serious about my creative work but you've heard that before. I've been poking at a self-help book that my sister gave me but I'm so lazy that I haven't even implemented the suggestions it gives. At least not fully. One of the suggestions, however, is that you set a goal for yourself with a set completion date and look at it everyday. I've decided on one dominant goal for my life:

To be the foremost creative force in the world by October 13th, 2026.

Yeah, it's unreasonable but maybe...

Every man needs to have a dream. And I'm sick of dreaming. That's all I'll say for now.

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