Thursday, August 24, 2006

Media Day

Today was one of those rare days when my life didn't belong to someone else. I took care of business by going to see Little Miss Sunshine, one of the best family films that the people who ought to see it will never see because it's deservedly R rated and actually has a brain. I actually laughed so hard at the end of that movie that I started crying. There were a few points where I think people will genuinely cry'll have to see it yourself.

However, due to a time mix up, I went to the theater too early so I went almost all the way back home and wound up at the library where I picked up a reserved copy of The Man Who Heard Voices, the semi-biography of M. Night Shyamalan's process of filming Lady in the Water. People say the book will either make Night look like a scorned genius or a crazy. I'm leaning towards Night being a guy who wanted to make a movie he really cared about without stupid suits getting in the way but who didn't realize that those suits he rejected were actually right. More importantly I wandered upon a graphic novel called Valerian: The New Future Trilogy. I don't know what it's about yet but it's French, it's sci-fi, and it was one of the inspirations for The Fifth Element (and supposedly parts Star Wars.) The book is part of a long running series of Valerian "graphic albums" by Jean-Clause Mézières and Pierre Christin. With what I'm working on now and with my need to learn more about comics outside of the U.S. and the superhero world I'm looking forward to seeing how the French handle their comics. So far it seems very cinematic. I can see some complaining (whining) about decompression with this but I just see opportunities to slow down and enjoy some pretty pictures.

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