Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Welcome to the Sunshine

SO I decided to start blogging again.

Here's a story to kick things off: A while back I had a blog on LiveJournal. A nice, good looking blog too. I had just done up the site with a pretty green chessboard background and off-white text panels with brown trim. I swapped out my question mark icon for one of an ukiyo-e painting depicting a lonely soba noodle cart. It was a good blog, it let me talk to my college friends who I rarely see anymore, and it was even a little notable around the local comic book scene.

And then one day I destroyed it.

A while back before this while back I had done something stupid which I had thought was really smart. It ended up upsetting someone, notably myself, and it brought into focus all sorts of upsetting things including my gorgeous green soba-noodled LiveJournal blog. In a haste I deleted it--although it was really replaced with a "delete page" so it actually still exists and may yet exist again depending on the circumstances--and ended my fertile blogging career.

That was a stupid thing to do. I loved blogging. I loved sharing my opinions with the world. I loved getting feedback from friends and random people. In real life I can be very quiet and, lately, I'm only getting quieter in public. I need to be louder. I need to speak up.

I need to stop using 'I' so much.

I decided to start blogging again.

The current title of this blog is EVERYTHING IS SUNSHINE. That may change (Hell, I might even jump ship to a different site altogether.) but the website will continue to be Learn it. Love it. It's the American Way.

For those of you who really know me I ask two things of you:

1. Let me keep my anonymity. Being too public was part of what killed my last blog.

2. Spread the word. This is my gospel. A geeked out, insignificant piece of early 21st century America designed to do . . . something.

I'm not trying to be pretentious but there's something significant about this. What? I don't know. Maybe it's just important to me and that's good enough for now.

For now, everything is sunshine. Tomorrow there'll be rain.

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